
Rome has been hit
by many earthquakes during the centuries.
This list was compiled by Roberto Luciani (Underground Rome):

The Colosseum in an old print
  • 15 AD – Destroyed part of the city walls
  • 20 – Caused the fire of Pompey’s Theatre
  • 85
  • 116
  • 191 – The Templum Pacis is destroyed
  • 223
  • 258 – More than 1000 houses collapsed
  • 304
  • 443 – The Forum and the Colosseum are hit
  • 454 – The Circus is hit
  • 477 – The city shook for 40 days, the Colosseum is damaged
  • 508 – The arena of the Colosseum collapses
  • 739
  • 780
  • 801 – The roof of St. Paul’s collapses
  • 849 – Capitol and Aventine damaged
  • 896 – Extensive damage at St John’s Lateran
  • 1231
  • 1349 – Mentioned by Petrarch (fall of the SE external ring)
  • 1350
  • 1403
  • 1703 – Damages to the eastern side
  • 1915
  • 1979

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